My experience in Cape Town was very surreal. It was far more westernized, but also far more impoverished than I expected. It was humbling to see the people we got to meet that were living in the circumstances they were, but still offering us everything they had before we ever did anything for them. One challenge I overcame on this trip was getting out of my comfort zone for sure. I had never been out of the country before and this was a very hands-on/put yourself out there kind of trip. There wasn’t time to stay in your comfort zone here. I learned that this is the kind of work that I love to do. I learned that I am passionate about non-profits and doing work that leaves a positive impact - whether that be in my country or oversees. I would tell future participants don’t get hung up on finding the perfect place to go, but search for activities and programs that you know you love to do. I never thought to visit Cape Town until this trip, but I was willing to go anywhere because I knew I loved service learning. Now Cape Town has one of the biggest places in my heart ~ Halle Hebbel

Cape Town, a place with so much history and beautiful landscapes can leave anyone speechless. Going across the world can be challenging for anyone but for me the biggest challenge was getting on the plane. I had never been on one before. People have always told me I can do what I put my mind to, but I never believed them. When I was on top of Table Mountain I finally accepted that.Yes, I can do anything I put my mind to, all I have to do is do it. Go study aboard cause money will come and go but memories last for ever ~ Frank Navarrete

My experience in Cape Town was a once in a life time breathtaking, remarkable experience that I will cherish and talk about for the rest of my life. The challenge I overcame on this trip to Cape Town was the ability to open my eyes and mind to a new culture and way of living. Some things I learned about myself was that I can view my life from the outside and find solutions or changes that I would never have seen if I did not travel to Cape Town. This trip also helped me learn to adapt to a new environment and learn to understand a different way of life. The advice I would give to future study abroad students, or anyone wanting to travel outside the United States, is just do it. Traveling abroad opens your eyes to new, exciting destinations that you could only dream about. What could it hurt, nothing, but give you a new outlook on life ~ Meredith Laurent

Cape Town was such a pivotal experience that deeply touched my heart in unexplainable ways, and I will forever be thankful for the memories made and the lessons learned. One challenge I overcame was immersing myself in the culture in the little ways I could – spending time with the beautiful people of South Africa, trying new foods, and just existing and soaking up the moments as the locals do. I learned again that kindness and compassion are universal languages, and they are so easy to speak. The most important things we do in life are those that we do for others. I also learned that it’s okay to try new things and life is much better lived outside of my comfort zone. Embark on this journey with an open mind, and you will have the time of your life. Be ready to have your expectations shattered in the best way. Document the memories, but don’t let it distract you from being present in all the moments and absorbing everything you experience ~ Alyssa Paschel

My experience in Cape Town was not only eye opening, it was life changing in a way that can only be experienced by fully immersing yourself into another culture. One challenge I had to overcome was having to remind myself to be thankful for the resources provided to us while we were there. Everyone we met was so grateful for what they had, and we need to be more like that. I learned that I love working for non-profits (such as museums) and that this is what I want to do with the rest of my life. I would advise participants to not go into this trip lightly. It will shake you to your core and humble you incredibly. Take a never ending amount of photos, and be prepared to want to go back immediately. Give this trip everything you have ~ Megan Nelson

Being able to experience Cape Town was inspiring. I was challenged to think about cultural diversity and the uniqueness of experiencing culture. I was able to learn how to use my voice to communicate about global issues and how to share my personal experience to change the lives of those in my own community. I would advise other students to really dive into their experiences during study abroad, lean in to people who you would not normally interact with. Also keep a daily log of your trip, even the smallest experience can leave a huge impact ~ Hannah Ellis

Studying abroad in South Africa gave me a chance to be a part of something bigger than myself. I had to get out of my comfort zone while traveling and working with my classmates who I did not know very well. I discovered my love for traveling and my appreciation for different cultures ~ Brett Zaccardo

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